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Olivier Heriveaux
Karim Abdellatif

Olivier Heriveaux & Karim Abdellatif

Workshop Title:

Scaffold board showcase


When performing hardware security evaluation of integrated circuits and embedded platforms, the first step is to setup the device to be able to automate tests, retrieve results and trigger instruments to perform measurements or inject faults. Scaffold is an electronic motherboard designed to quickly setup, instrument and test cirtcuits. The board can be controlled through USB using a Python3 API, enabling easy development of tests. All the project is Open- Hardware and Open-Source and has been published on GitHub. It has rich documentation on

Requirements for attendees of this workshop:

  • Have VirtualBox installed on the machine.
  • OR
  • Have a Python3 environment with the possibility to install packages through pip3.

Speaker Bio:

Olivier Heriveaux is a Hardware security expert specialized in fault injection, with 10 years experience in the Field.

Karim holds a Ph.D. in embedded hardware security and his expertise lies in HW implementation of cryptographic algorithms, fault injection and side channel attacks. Previously, Karim was a HW security engineer at Morpho, France.